Microchip ...

 All dogs and cats must be marked with a microchip. The microchip is a simple and nearly painless identification method. The chip has the size of a rice corn, is injected subcutaneously, and remains under the skin of the animal for life. In general, the microchip is injected into the neck on the left side.
The data relating to the microchip is located on a database of the "Colegio de Veterinarios". The data includes name and age of the animal, as well as the full name and address of the owner. If the animal is lost, animal clinics and the local police have a reading device to read the microchip data and to identify the animal. It is t
herefore very important that the data is correct and up-to-date.

If the animal is lost, you should first call the database to ensure that the stored data is correct.

The microchip is mandatory within the Greater Madrid area.

Pet passports

The pet passport is normally issued during the first vaccination of the animal. Each time our pet is vaccinated or dewormed, this is reflected in the passport with appropriate stamps. We can also list other animal health aspects, such as laboratory tests or surgical interventions.

Another possibility is a pet passport for the EU countries (usually includes also European countries outside the EU). Animal identification and rabies vaccinations do also appear in the animal passport. When traveling, it is very important to inquire about the specific conditions of each country regarding vaccinations and waiting times for processing applications. For example, if you want to travel to the UK this may take more than 6 months.

We can provide you with detailed information.